Saturday, August 24, 2019


July 22, 2019

Ride to the airport by Marcie (thank you!)

Check in for our flights - Boston to Newark - Newark to Oslo.

Board plane on time - sit on plane at gate for 3 hours.

You will not believe the start of our adventure. Our first flight was to be a puddle jumper from Boston to Newark at 2:00 pm
1. Bad weather in Newark, NJ delayed and then cancelled our first leg
2. Therefore missing connection to Oslo
3. United representative spent 90 minutes finding us a workaround 
4. Had to reclaim our luggage (@ 7 pm by now)
5. We then had to walk (Jeffrey being pushed in wheelchair)from terminal B to terminal E to get ticketed on Icelandic Air
6 Flight is to leave at 9:05 pm
7. Takes until 9:00 to get us ticketed and bags checked in
8. Then, with Manager leading the way, we run thru TSA to the gate where they had actually held the flight for us
9. We change in Reykjavik (and are bumped to first class - I know, poor us) and then to Oslo to catch our ship
10. We’ve already been warned that our bags may not catch up with us (but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it)

Who says we don’t lead an exciting life?
Side benefit. My Fitbit says I walked 5,408 steps today
Life Is Good.

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